On this page you can view and download or purchase David’s titles. Choose below whether to browse fiction or non-fiction.
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“A fabulous piece of story telling” – Richard Collins.
1. Available on Amazon as a paperback or ebook; or
2. from the author using this PayPal button:

“A stunningly clever novel” – The Times.
1. Buy the ebook from the publisher
2. Buy a signed paperback from the author using this PayPal button:

Doc Chaos: The Chernobyl Effect
“A comedy of terrors” – Don Watson, NME. NEW E-book Edition! with the short story The Last Laugh available in three ways:
1. An ebook version for the Kindle is available on Amazon for £1.84.
2. An ebook version for the Kindle is available here via PayPal for £1.84:
3. An epub version for other e-readers is available here via PayPal for £1.84:
Buy a signed print copy (without the short story) direct from David via PayPal for £6.00 inc. p&p. Follow these three simple steps:
If required, write the name of a person to dedicate it to:
Then click here:
Or, buy a print copy on Amazon.
Short stories in anthologies

Ode to Elodie and Homecoming in The Turnings of the Years, an anthology of literary short stories.
Ode to Elodie is about a woman who thinks there is more to life than being a wife and mother at Christmas. Even if her family don’t understand her, should she leave?
Homecoming is about a son discovering his mother, who lives alone, is in danger of dying, and his complex feelings abut her.

For The Greater Good
For The Greater Good is an award-winning climate fiction story set in a future UK that has solved all its environmental problems. Does this mean it’s perfect? It’s in a free e-book, Weatherfronts: Climate Change and the Stories We Tell, courtesy The Free Word Centre containing many other brilliant climate fiction stories and poems.

Doc Chaos: Science, Fun and Politics, and Mutant Love
These are delightful short comic stories drawn by artist Phil Elliott in his science fiction anthology ES*EF.
Doc Chaos: Science, Fun and Politics riffs on the Doc Chaos comic theme, and the (out of print) Doc Chaos comics series published by Escape Books.
Mutant Love is an allegory about how romantic love can go wrong when each person has a different idea of what the other is.
Currently out of print, sorry.

Perfection and Doc Chaos: The Last Laugh
Perfection and Doc Chaos: The Last Laugh are contained in the thought-provoking American anthology of satirical science fiction, Satirica.
The Last Laugh is a darkly comic story about the end of the world featuring David’s dark comic character who has appeared in many stories. It is also available in the Doc Chaos: The Chernobyl Effect ebook.
Perfection is a seductive allegory about addiction and the world it can create.

Making Readers Care with Psychology and Structure: The Complete Guide To Writing Totally Gripping Novels, Film & TV Scripts
For anyone who wants to write a ‘page-turner’ – a compelling narrative that readers ‘can’t put down’ with characters that ‘jump off the page’. The way to achieve this is by making readers care what happens to your characters.
This book, based on thousands of hours of scriptwriting and creative writing classes, will help you get the best from your own story, whatever it is. It focuses especially on two things: human psychology and structure aand contains many exercises.
It is available on Amazon as a print and e-book. Also as a print book direct from the author:

One Planet Cities: Sustaining Humanity within Planetary Limits
This hugely important title describes how the essential needs of the growing human population can be met without breaking the Earth’s already-stretched life-support system.
It contains hundreds of examples, plus a framework roadmap, to let people live well but not as if we had more than one planet Earth.
The difference between this approach and others is that it uses measurements such as ecological footprint analysis to help evaluate progress.
More information on this separate page; and on the website of The One Planet Centre which desribes courses and consultancy services.
>> Buy One Planet Cities full price from the publisher here.
>> Buy from the author discounted at £32.50 + £3.20p+p (UK only):

The One Planet Life: A Blueprint for Low Impact Development
A how to manual prefaced by a manifesto for a change in attitude to land, planning and development. The One Planet Life is a natural successor to John Seymour’s Self-Sufficiency, and is profusely illustrated. It covers choosing land, land management, zero carbon building, renewable energy, food production, low carbon transport, water supply and treatment, with many case studies.
There is a website with details of courses here.
>> Buy using the PayPal below for £29 + £3.25 p+p (full retail price is £32.99)
More information on this separate page; and on the website of The One Planet Centre which desribes courses and consultancy services.
Buy here:

Passive Solar Architecture Pocket Reference
A wealth of information on the principles of passive solar building and passive house, a ten-step design and build strategy, calculating solar irradiance, factors affecting the choice of building materials, passive heating and cooling principles and techniques in different climates, the Passivhaus Standard and natural and augmented lighting and notes on technology and building occupation.
More information on this separate page.
>> Buy using the PayPal button below for £25.50 + £1.50 p+p:

Solar Energy Pocket Reference
A wealth of practical information relating to solar energy and solar energy technologies. Topics covered include solar radiation and its detailed measurement, the emissivity and absorption properties of materials, solar thermal energy collection and storage, photovoltaics (both at all scales), solar cooling, and the use of solar energy for desalination and drying.
More information on this separate page.
>> Buy using the PayPal button below for £25.50 + £1.50 p+p:

Energy Management in Buildings
For all professional energy, building and facilities managers, energy consultants, students, trainees and academics. Covers all aspects of ISO 50001 – Energy Management Systems.
It takes the reader from basic concepts to the latest advanced thinking, with principles applicable anywhere in the world and in any climate. Includes interviews with experienced energy managers sharing their secrets. Covers the human angle as well as the technology.
‘Provides a complete introduction to the subject of energy management, and will, I’m sure, be useful to both trainees and novices and industry veterans seeking an updating of their knowledge with the latest developments. David is a clear writer, who manages to make the most technical subjects accessible. He has a clear overview of all sectors and technologies.’ – Nick Bent, Editor of Energy Focus Magazine.
More information on this separate page.
>> Buy at 10% discount off the full price using the PayPal button below for £32 + £3.25 p+p:

Energy Management in Industry
Twin title with the above. Includes a chapter on data centres. Both can be read alongside training for ISO 50001 – Energy Management Systems.
‘An easy to read book about how you can save energy in your company. He does this without [needing] to over complicate it with technical details and scientific formula. I enjoyed reading this book and would highly recommend it to energy managers and anyone who would want to reduce energy consumption.’ – Kit Oung, Energy Consultant and author of Energy Management in Business, Committee Member, British Standards Institute BSI-KSA.
More information on this separate page.
>> Buy at 10% discount off the full price using the PayPal button below for £32 + £3.25 p+p:

Solar Technology, The Earthscan Expert Guide to Using Solar Energy for Heating, Cooling and Electricity
For anyone who wants to be able to tell their solar thermal from their solar electric from their passive solar. Solar energy is free, abundant and sustainable, with many methods existing to harness it.
This abundantly illustrated guide is the essential introduction to the subject, explaining how the technologies work, how best they should be employed, and the costs and benefits of using them.
More information on this separate page.
>> Buy at 10% discount off the full price using the PayPal button below for £31.50 + £3.20 p+p:

Sustainable Home Refurbishment
A retro-fit offers many benefits: cutting electricity and heating bills, increasing the resale value of homes, slashing carbon emissions and creating a healthier place to live. This profusely illustrated colour book is the guide to making it happen.
“Sustainable Home Refurbishment by David Thorpe is very clearly written and illustrated and covers pretty much all bases in terms of deciding how you’d want to proceed.” – Gordon Glass, The Superhomes Network
More information on this separate page.
>> Buy at 10% discount off the full price using the PayPal button below for £36.00 + £3.20 p+p:
An ebook version for the Kindle is available on Amazon here. Or, buy individual chapters for just £1 each, or the whole book for £10, as PDFs.

Best Practices for Improving Industrial Energy Efficiency
This book is aimed at supporting governments in industrial energy efficiency policy-making through sharing international experiences and the preconditions for successful implementation of policies and programmes, with many examples.
Its co-authors are Kit Oung and Steven Fawkes.
As its publication was subsidised by the United Nations you may download it free as a PDF here.
The Role of Natural Gas in Mega-Cities up to 2050
A discussion paper prepared for The International Gas Union in 2016 on whether gas is to be a cost‐effective ‘bridge’ to a decarbonised world, with reference to present trends in the areas of science, technology, policy and legislation.
As its publication was subsidised by The International Gas Union you may download it free as a PDF here.

Sustainable Transport Fuels
All about state-of-the-art electric, hydrogen, hybrid and biofuel transport. This short ebook explains — for a global business audience — the latest developments in the world of sustainable transport.
It does not cover the vehicles or modes of transport themselves, but their means of propulsion. How sustainable is it?
Available from the publisher, for £20 (less for the e-book).
More information on this separate page.

Solar Photovoltaics Business Briefing
All about PV and the state of the market. This ebook explains, for a UK business audience, the technical, scientific and economic aspects of solar photovoltaics (PV) technologies. It is useful to anyone considering a business use of solar PV, whether an investor, potential purchaser, or thinking of setting up a company in the sector.
Available from the publisher for £20 (less for the e-book).
More information on this separate page.