are urban or rural communities which strive for a supportive social environment
with a way of life that has a low environmental impact.
To achieve this, they integrate nature with housing and other buildings, like garden cities.
But going much further than this, they apply various aspects of ecological design: permaculture, ecological building, 'green' production, renewable energy, community building practices, and more.
Many traditional communities were and are like this, and often those remaining today are struggling for survival. But now, ecovillages are being created intentionally by a global movement.
In 1998, ecovillages were officially named among the United Nations' top 100 listing of Best Practices, as excellent models of sustainable living.
The best known ecovillage in the UK is probably Findhorn in Scotland [pictured]. Founded in 1962, since 1980 the Findhorn Foundation has been involved in the development of the Ecovillage Project as a natural continuation of its work with nature.
Several Camphill Communities - progressive Steiner homes for people with learning difficulties and disabilities- count thnemselves as eco-villages.
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