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“A fabulous piece of story telling” – Richard Collins.
1. Available on Amazon as a paperback or ebook; or
2. from the author using this PayPal button:
“A stunningly clever novel” – The Times.
1. Buy the ebook from the publisher
2. Buy a signed paperback from the author using this PayPal button:
Doc Chaos: The Chernobyl Effect
“A comedy of terrors” – Don Watson, NME. NEW E-book Edition! with the short story The Last Laugh available in three ways:
1. An ebook version for the Kindle is available on Amazon for £1.84.
2. An ebook version for the Kindle is available here via PayPal for £1.84:
3. An epub version for other e-readers is available here via PayPal for £1.84:
Buy a signed print copy (without the short story) direct from David via PayPal for £6.00 inc. p&p. Follow these three simple steps:
If required, write the name of a person to dedicate it to:
Then click here:
Or, buy a print copy on Amazon.
Short stories in anthologies:
- Ode to Elodie and Homecoming (in The Turnings of the Years)
- For The Greater Good (in free e-book Weatherfronts).
- The comics Doc Chaos: Science, Fun and Politics, and Mutant Love with artist Phil Elliott in ES*EF.
- Perfection and Doc Chaos: The Last Laugh (in Satirica).
- The Last Laugh is also available in the Doc Chaos ebook.
Perfection is a delicious tale of addiction, glamour and politics; purchase as a PDF for £1 via PayPal.